What Is VASER® Lipo: Reshaping the Way Liposuction Is Performed

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Woman with flat stomach (model) next to VaserLipo machine.

Liposuction has long been a sought-after solution for slimming the midsection by removing stubborn fat and flab. But, over the years, advances in technology, knowledge, and technique have improved how liposuction is performed. Today, this go-to body treatment has never been safer or more precise, thanks to an innovative approach called VASER liposuction.

To help you fully understand how surgical body contouring has evolved and improved, let’s take a closer look. We’ll answer the question, “what is VASER lipo,” explain how it takes traditional liposuction to the next level, and explore its benefits over other liposuction techniques.

Liposuction Case 135 Before & After Right Oblique | Tracy, Brentwood & Livermore, CA | McNemar Cosmetic Surgery
Before & After Liposuction
Liposuction Case 13 Before & After View #1 | Tracy, Brentwood & Livermore, CA | McNemar Cosmetic Surgery
Before & After Liposuction
Liposuction for a 30 year old male.
Before & After Liposuction
Liposuction Case 21 Before & After View #1 | Tracy, Brentwood & Livermore, CA | McNemar Cosmetic Surgery
Before & After Liposuction

What Is VASER Lipo Sculpting?

VASER liposuction uses ultrasonic technology (vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance) to mechanically break down fat cells before removing them. Using the ultrasound-assisted approach, we more safely and precisely target unwanted fat cells while preserving the surrounding tissues. It is a particularly effective approach for treating extra-stubborn fat pockets that may be resistant to traditional liposuction.

VASER lipo is commonly used to treat the following areas of the body:

  • Abdomen, back, and flanks
  • Thighs, calves, and ankles
  • Hips and buttocks
  • Chest
  • Upper arms
  • Double chin

For patients who want to treat the front and back of the midsection simultaneously, we perform liposuction 360 using VASER lipo. We also typically use liposuction during a Brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck, and mommy makeover surgeries to give patients the best results.

VASER Liposuction Pros & Cons

What are some of the key distinctions between liposuction vs VASER liposuction? While both methods have the same goal—removing targeted pockets of unwanted fat from the body—each treatment approach differs. Let’s break down some of the benefits and limitations below:

VASER Lipo Pros:

  • Fat is more precisely targeted and removed.
  • Liposuction is faster and easier to perform.
  • It is less damaging to surrounding tissues.
  • It is ideal for breaking apart stubborn pockets of fat.
  • The skin is more likely to retract after fat is removed.
  • Its gentler approach results in less swelling, bruising, and downtime.

VASER Lipo Cons:

  • It typically costs more than traditional liposuction.
  • Although unlikely, burns from the ultrasound probe are possible.

In comparing traditional liposuction and VASER lipo, it’s important to point out that VASER liposuction is particularly effective in targeting the fat beneath male skin, which tends to be firmer, highly vascular, and more challenging to access using traditional liposuction. Therefore, VASER lipo is often a key component of male breast reduction surgery.

Male breast reduction surgery with lipo helped the 18-year-old male patient shown below feel less self-conscious about taking his shirt off at the pool.

Male Breast Reduction Case 94 Before & After View #1 | Tracy, Brentwood & Livermore, CA | McNemar Cosmetic Surgery
Before & After Male Breast Reduction With Liposuction

What Is VASER Lipo Recovery Like?

While VASER liposuction recovery generally varies depending on the extent of your treatment area, most patients require 1 to 2 weeks of downtime. Patients opting for VASER lipo typically have mild swelling, bruising, and soreness during recovery compared to traditional liposuction. We recommend wearing compression garments to reduce swelling and promote optimal contouring as your body heals and transforms.

Your VASER Liposuction Results: What To Expect

Many patients can enjoy visible slimming and toning almost immediately! However, results become more evident over 3 to 6 months as swelling subsides. While mild skin firming is possible, remember that VASER lipo is not a weight loss or skin tightening treatment.

Your VASER lipo results are permanent if you maintain a stable, healthy weight. To help preserve your svelte physique, we recommend eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and adopting other healthy lifestyle habits.

Is VASER Liposuction Safe?

VASER liposuction is considered safer than traditional liposuction because we can target fat removal more gently and precisely while minimizing the risk of trauma to the surrounding tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. While there are risks attached to any surgical procedure, you can reduce the chance of complications and help ensure a positive body contouring journey by selecting an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.

Choose a plastic surgeon who takes ample time to assess your needs and address your concerns during your initial consultation. You should also ask to see their VASER lipo patients’ before-and-after photos to ensure the provider can demonstrate their experience through real patient results. Ask them how often they perform VASER lipo, about their complication rate, and whether they perform other liposuction techniques that may suit your needs. Ensuring your plastic surgeon is experienced and skilled helps to safeguard your health.

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation

With VASER liposuction, you can expect your results to be safe, precise, and transformative! If you’re considering surgical body contouring, let’s embark on the journey together. I encourage you to get started by requesting a consultation online, or by calling our office at (209) 834-0626.

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